Questions & Answers

2007 highlander hybrid key bypass programming

0 votes
I've followed the programming instructions and press and hold the programing button, plugged in the wiring and then let go of the programming button when it gets to RED, but it's stuck on RED and never starts blinking 10 times to start the programming. I've tried this both on my EVO ALL and EVO ONE with the same results. I've double check all my connections and metered between them to make sure the connection is good.
asked Oct 28, 2021 in Toyota by phap truong (250 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
What is the S/N number on the back of the module?
answered Oct 29, 2021 by derek g (336,040 points)
Still no luck. Any other suggestions?
Another suggestion would be to program the unit with a different key.
Thanks for all the help, but I ended up going with an idatalink bypass and it programmed without issues. I'm not sure if you can relay this information back to the  Fortin programmers to review why there is an issue with my year make and model.
I will forward this infomration to the correct department.
Thank you.