Questions & Answers

Is GWR supposed to energize ACC and IGN?

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Hello again.

With NOTHING besides the T-Harness (THAR-GM1v2) connected to the EVO-ALL:

When grounding the GWR wire on the EVO the car changes into IGN mode with the instrument panel all lit up and the related chimes coming on.
The multimeter shows both ACC and IGN wires from the EVO/Harness (yellow and brown) with +12V.

Is this how it is supposed to be?
I understand that the GWR signal is supposed to prepare the car for the starting of the engine and unlocking the bypass, but switching into IGN mode seems not right - especially because this would never allow for plain ACC mode, as all remote starters provide GWR(-) out already at ACC mode - which will then trigger the EVO to go in to IGN mode despite already.
asked Feb 18, 2015 in Chevrolet by Hank Rath (310 points)

1 Answer

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Is this how it is supposed to be?

  • On a GM, yes. (unless 2006 and lower)
  • On a Chyrsler, yes (unless 2004ish and lower)
  • On a Honda, no (unless the evo is actually controlling the start)
  • On a Ford, yes/no (depends the year and the type of installation)
  • On a Mazda, yes and no depends on the vehicle make/model/year


Basically, any vehicle that the interface module is actually doing the starting of the vehicle and not the actual remote start unit.


Remote starters do not have a feature that would require only accessory to be on, they go through the entire accessory-ignition-start cycle; which is also how the EVO is designed. 


Not having acc available easily on GM and Chrysler ignition system when adding after market push-to-start system is pretty common since all aftermarket interfaces such as the EVO-ALL are desgined for remote starters, not requiring an only accessory On state.


FYI, with that easygo system, you can probably set it up so that EVO only does the PASSKEY bypass and not PASSLOCK, then have the EASYGO manage acc-ign and passlock for crank. I can't help with this but i am sure EasyGo themselves or a quick google search would show you how  to wire a remote starter for passlock bypass.



answered Feb 18, 2015 by Robert T (299,650 points)