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seems to have programmed, won't remote start

0 votes
Hi, I was installing my CHRT-4 today and followed the instructions to the letter as well as a video on youtube (which matched the directions) once installed and programming, I got the rapid flashing blue LEDs as if all was programmed. I then tried to remote start the van but it doesn't do anything. I tried repeating the process with the same result... suggestions?
asked Jan 28, 2016 in Dodge by Jason Burt (180 points)

1 Answer

+1 vote
Best answer
Do this test for me...

Take the Dark Blue wire(a8) on the 20 pin connector and put it to ground.

Tell me what the LED's on the evo module do...I have a suspicion the module may not be in stand alone and this will confirm whether it is or not.
answered Jan 28, 2016 by derek g (336,040 points)
selected Feb 4, 2016 by derek g
Will do... I"ll do it within the next 30 min so sit tight, i'd like to get this sorted today :)
just hooked it all up and grounded the blue wire... LED lit red and stayed lit red.... also was getting the warning that "key in ignition" even tho key was not.
Yup so that confirms it the module is not in stand alone right now.

You will need the flash link updater to enable the proper options.

You need to turn on options C1 and D1 for it to work as stated in the guide.

These options are not on right now.
great...thanks! I'll do that and let you know how it turns out! Do i need the blue/ground wire to stay connected once i do this?

No that was only for testing purposes. Once youve enabled these options be sure to not have the dark blue wire touching ground....

last question for now... am I correct for the Dodge Grand Caravan (2011) install that i only need to connect the yellow wires as shown on the diagram and the wire for the parking lights(with resistor)?

You are correct!!

(Parking lights are optional)

Still needs to be programmed in the vehicle though, and as previously mentioned needs corect firmware for the vehicle as well as the proper options turned on if your doing a 3x lock to start the vehicle.  Options C1 and D1

well, after all day of fighting the pc to update windows (another issue) I have the flashlink 2 connected and working and it says it has the latest firmware (3.03) but my EVO unit is not showing up and not lighting up at all. I've tried with the flashlink connected directly to the computer usb port and also tried it through a powered usb hub to no avail... i'm really lost now.

In the bottom right hand corner of the flash link programm does it say CONNECTION MODE:BYPASS? If it says CONNECTION MODE: REMOTE STARTER you need to click the TOGGLE button to get it in bypass mode.

yes, it says "Bypass" but it'll let me toggle between the two with no change... I don't think the flashlink "sees" the evo... there's only one red light lit on the flashlink and no lights on the evo... i've tried several combinations of what order i plug them in as well as restarting the computer with them plugged in hoping it'd recognize it.  I'm on Windows 7 if that helps
Still waiting on a reply... hoping to get it going before having to send it back for replacement.
First go to the help tab. Ensure that "cancel flash link update" is greyed out...if it isnt click on it and cancel flash link update.

Next-Meter the outputs on the 4 pin data link connector. Ensure you have power and ground on red and black and then you should have voltage (2-4 volts) on blue and white. Might be a problem with your 4 pin data link cable.

Did you ever have the evo plugged into the car while connecting the flash link?
Thanks Derek,

I'll check with a meter. I never had the unit connected to the car when trying to update. I brought it inside and connected it to my computer inside. Let me make sure I understand the process you just described...

1) do this with the update "cancelled"

2) with flashlink connected to the computer, meter the red and black wires and should have power (how much?)

3) do I move the meter probes to the blue and white wires (as if a pos and neg)? and then look for 2-4 volts or do i stay on the black (as a ground) and measure each of the blue and white?
black will be your constant ground. You will only move the red probe to take readings on the other 3 wires.

yes make sure to cancel the flash link update if it is not greyed out.
This is what i got...

I only had .1-.3 volts on the red wire

2 volts on the blue wire

4 almost 5 volts on the white wire.

I unplugged the data cable and checked directly at the pins on the flash link with the same results...

bad flash link?
Did you confirm cancel flash link is greyed out?

Do you have another cable to try?

Were did you purchase the flash link from?
i looked all over the screen and didn't see the words "cancel flash link updater" anywhere.  could you post a screen shot in case i'm just missing it? I bought the evo and flash link from a place called Central Buys on Amazon.  They've offered to exchange the products but that'll drag out another couple of weeks so i was hoping to find the problem. I don't have another data cable but i could try a differen USB cable if you think that'd make any difference

Here ya go!

If everything checks out then i would suggest exchanging it from the Amazon store you purcahsed it from.
great... thanks... it was NOT cancelled... i canceled the flashlink update and the option became greyed out.

the flashlink unit then went from just having the red light on to having the red light on the green light on and the blue light flashing.

i metered again with the same results tho. only .3 or .4 volts on the red wire, 2v on the blue and 4v on the white
how much power SHOULD i be getting on the red wire?
So once the option is greyed out disconnect the flash link disk. unplug the evo.  plug the flash link disk back in. Check again to make sure that flash link update is greyed out.

Then once youve confirmed this plug in the evo.

You should have red and green led on.  If the green led is on it measn it is seeing the evo and it will work properly.
i think we are set! it finally showed up and let me update to the latest firmware and set my C1 and D1 settings. One more question... after i made the changes and clicked "flash" it finished updating but now the red light is flashing on the evo and the red light flashing on the flashlink... ok to quit and disconnect now?
when you change a setting you do not click click save options. If you have clicked flash you may have to reprogram the module now.

You should never be clicking the flash button in the bottom right hand corner.
oh, i said that out of order... i selected to update firmware and it told me to click flash...once that was done updating, it let me change my C1 and D1 then i clicked save... that's when i ended up with the current state.  it is connected, all looks good but the red light is flashing on the evo and the blue light is flashing on the flash link... just need to confirm that it's done copying files and that i can click "quit" then disconnect the unit.
yup at that point it is finished. click quite and unplug the evo-all.

You will have to re program the module if you have flashed a different firmware.

i checked the service nubmer all looks well for stand alone.
great!  Thank you for all your help.  Sorry if I was a pain trying to get it done!  I'll try to install it in the van after lunch and program it. I feel good about it though. I think you nailed it!  I'll post here again and let you know the results!
All done! Thank you so much! It programmed and worked first try after going through all that this morning.  Excellent service you guys provide! Have a great week!
3 pointer!!! lol

Glad to hear you got it all fixed up!
