Questions & Answers

evo one nissan patrol

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any way to add nissan patrol Y61 ( 2002-2009 ) with TB48 engine on  evo one .

( nats immobiliser nissan)  Ignition barrel At Ignition connector 8-pin ( PIN # DESCRIPTION 8 DATA / 7 N.C/ 6 N.C /5 GROUND  4 SECURITY LED / 3 N.C /  2 IGNITION / 1 12V Battery)  allso it have The CAN Bus ( CanLow/ CanHi )

Please let me know if you have any advice

Thank you
asked Feb 13, 2016 in Nissan by Maryam alshamsi (350 points)
edited Feb 14, 2016 by Maryam alshamsi

1 Answer

0 votes
We do not have the vehicle in north america. Unfortunately we do not have a solution for it either.
answered Feb 15, 2016 by derek g (336,040 points)