Questions & Answers

2013 F250 Won't Remote Start

+1 vote
Hooked up EVO-ALL & THAR-FOR1 in 2013 Ford F250 as a  stand alone remote start. EVO is programmed for remote start & factory alarm bypass. Unit programmed for 2 keys, programmed per instructions, all lights came on properly. With door closed using lock, lock, lock to start red light comes on, 2-3 seconds later yellow light comes on, does not crank, after 30 seconds all lights go out & resets. What is wrong?

Thanks, Mike
posté Oct 15, 2014 dans la catégorie Ford par Michael Pasemann (190 points)

2 Réponses

+1 vote
Make sure you connected the RED connector into the EVOALL
répondu Oct 16, 2014 par Robert T (85,210 points)
0 votes
Hi Mike,

This may be a lot simpler to troubleshoot via phone. Feel free to call tech support and speak to any available agent.

répondu Oct 15, 2014 par Robert T (302,310 points)