Questions & Answers

Check Engine Light 2010 4runner

0 votes
Hello, installed CT-3471TW Prostart remote starter with D2D  EVO-ALL into 2010 Toyota 4Runner. Unit worked great, sent home with customer, Vehicle has check engine light that night, code P0705 "transmission range sensor A circuit". Used wiring guide provided from "wirecolor" and guide #8971 for Evo-all. If I clear fault, drive vehicle around- is fine. start with remote starter, key takeover, put in reverse, CEL and Traction control light illuminate on dash.  Checked wiring connections at ignition switch, IGN 1- black pin6, Ign 2 purple pin 4, starter 1 red pin8, starter 2 black pin2. For the extra starter wire i used a standard relay, pin 85 ground, pin 86 to starter 1, pin 30 to +12v. pin 87 to starter 2. Any ideas? Thanks, Mike.
posté Dec 9, 2014 dans la catégorie Toyota par Micheal Unger (2,610 points)

3 Réponses

+1 vote
Replaced Relay for starter 2 in suspicion for possibly reacting too slow, has been working for a couple days now with no problems. Could a slight delay in starter 2 wire, like 0.5 sec, cause this problem or did I just fluke out? Really hope my problem is resolved now, kind of unnerving when check engine light comes on and transmission delay going into drive. Thanks, Mike.
répondu Dec 11, 2014 par Micheal Unger (2,610 points)
0 votes

Still scratching heads.

On vehicles where we need to interrupt the TPMS sil wire (not the 4Runner), the traction light issue would be caused by a misconnection on those vehicles.

We are left here with something being off as to how the ignition is powered. Also make sure keysense is not powered during remote start. Those 2 ignition wires need to be on at the same time.

répondu Dec 10, 2014 par Robert T (299,650 points)
0 votes
Only times I have seen something like this was when the Ignitions or the Starters were not powered at the same time.


You could try remote starting without the bypass connected and with the key in front of the Ignition switch to see what happens.
répondu Dec 10, 2014 par Alexandre Messier (2,580 points)