Questions & Answers

EVO-ONE wont start with oem remote with factory alarm.

0 votes

Service no 002B05 027677


Hello.  I`m trying to take a work EVO-ONE for subaru outback 2011, automatic transmision, with  factory alarm. so loop is cuted. i used GUIDE # 46701 for harness conection. turning on ignition yelow light goes on. when i pushing lock button 3 times nothing going at all (blue light- no, red light - no). is there problem in incorrect flashing?


Service No: 002B05 027677
Preload date: 47-2015
Hardware version: 5
Firmware version: 1.17
Recommended version: 1.16


posté Jan 30, 2016 dans la catégorie Subaru par Alex (200 points)
modifié Fev 2, 2016 par Alex

2 Réponses

+2 votes
Turn on options A1 to A11.
répondu Fev 1, 2016 par Alex (85,210 points)
so you reset both sides to the module and also re program and re DCrypted the module and still nothing?
yes- still not working
turn off function 6 in the remote starter. Also dis able function 24 in the remote starter as well.

I think i will leave this till saturday and will check all wiring. then i will reset again so i will let You know saturday. realy thanks for trying to help me yes

it still wont start. i think i lost my money with Fortin evo-one :(
0 votes
Hi again. so i was checked all wiring- all set. i was make reset of both sides (remote starter & bypass) then reflashed, but it still not works, so what i can more to do?
répondu Fev 6, 2016 par Alex (200 points)
no functionig module. i think i will trash it. lost my money :(
This car has been done many times, does the blue LED on the module flash every time you press the lock button ?
no.  blue light does not goes on then pushing lock button.

Your vehicle is not listed as 3x lock compatible. You will need a seperate RF kit to start and stop the vehicle.
can i connect codealarm CA4054?
what modules is compactible with fortin ? what i must to buy now?

All comnpatible RF kits are listed here:


Please click on the EVO-ONE pdfs please to get the proper guide.

Yes that will work with the Evo-One, please follow this guide for programming:


Thank you.


I will buy this revo set and will try it to install.  yes
