Questions & Answers

001a07 338367 Can I get you to reset my unit.

0 votes
Can I get my unit reset please.
posté Avr 6, 2022 dans la catégorie Chevrolet par crispyrp69 (420 points)

1 Réponse

0 votes
I have submitted your module for reset. It will be ready for use within 24 hours.
répondu Avr 7, 2022 par derek g (358,130 points)
Is there any settings that need to be turned on to connect a Mobilink module to the Evo All?
Yes, what telematics device will you be using?
Mobilink its made by Scytek. I am plugging into Scytek RS 777 into the EvoAll
if it is connecting to the scytek piece the evo would not need any type of option enable as it will communicate/be controlled by the scytek brain then in turn the scytek brain will communicate to the evo.
My unit will not decript my key. I am at a lose at what to do sn#001A07 338367
I apologize for the delay, the unit is still under review for reset by engineering for dcryptor reset. I will update this post once it has been reset.
It has now been reset. You should be good to re program.