Questions & Answers

2003 hyundai Santa fe

0 votes
Are there other solutions for bypass on a 2003 hyundai Santa fe? I am installing a remote start in this vehicle and the vehicle search only brings up the "evo-one". The customer does not want the "3X lock" start. Surely there must be a way to use the evo-all? Thanks, Mike.
posté Jan 9, 2015 dans la catégorie Hyundai par Micheal Unger (2,680 points)

1 Réponse

0 votes
We're only listing the EVO-ONE because there's a T-harness available. If you look at the features, there is no key bypass nor any Can-Bus features.

It's possible the 2003 does not have a transponder. If it does though, we have no solution for transponder bypass.
répondu Jan 9, 2015 par Robert T (304,000 points)