Questions & Answers

is this the correct wire (-)EMS Com wire for a 2019 soul

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I have a 2019 kia soul w/standard key and during the install of my fortin evo-one remote start I noticed i had a question about the (-) EMS Com wire location. I am not sure if the car has  immobilizer or not as the wire position in your photo is empty, your photo that shows the wire location looks correct other than the Blue wire and the blue/black are one position to the left. At this point I did not connect to the wire out of fear of shorting a circuit and would like your opinion on the matter.

Thank you
asked Dec 30, 2020 in Kia by chris morgan (160 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
If the pin position for the ems com wire is empty on your vehicle then chances are you do not have an immobilizer. Skip cconnecting that wire and follow program 2 in the guide for vehicles without ems com wire.
answered Dec 30, 2020 by derek g (358,130 points)
installed without hooking up immobilizer wire and ran programming. All went fine until I tried to start vehicle. Followed troubleshooting guide and no led when remote starting. I double checked making sure I have a good ground . When engine is started with the key i get a yellow 'LED lit up and that is all
what remotes are you using to try and remote start the vehicle? OEM or rf kit?


did you cut the yellow loop?
OEM remotes and yes the yellow wire is cut
We do not list remote start from the OEM remote on a 2019 kia soul. RF kit is required.