Questions & Answers

Evo-one reporting high temperature with drone mobile

0 votes
I installed the Evo-one and drone mobile. Everything is working great except that the drone mobile is reporting inside temperatures about 20-30 degree higher than actual. I called drone mobile support and they told me the unit gets this info from the Evo-one so there must be something wrong with the Evo unit.  Any way to fix this on the Evo-one?
asked Jan 26, 2016 in Toyota by Ruben Dominguez (380 points)

3 Answers

+1 vote
I have not seen this.

Is the EVO-ONE mounted beside an air duct by any chance? The temperature sensor in the evo-one is right on the corner where the 3-pin shock sensor input is. If the unit is mounted anywhere near an air duct, I can see it giving away false readings.
answered Jan 26, 2016 by Robert T (304,060 points)
Nope it's not by any air ducts. It even reports wrong when the car has been off for hours.  Could it be a bad unit?  Anyway to see the temperature without the drone module?
0 votes
Any other ideas?
answered Feb 3, 2016 by Ruben Dominguez (380 points)
Only thing I have so far is an article from Drone/Compustar that says Temperature Status is only available on with their Premium plan.


It's hard to see in this video, but the temperature status is indeed functioning.


The drone you have is which model?

Which type of phone OS? Apple or Android? Phone os has nothing to do with the EVO but would help so we can try to replicate your issue.
fyi. if it's related to the evo-one, it would be firmware related. A report was opened about this.
I do have the drone premium plan. Part is DR-3400. I am using iOS.

If I can help troubleshoot in anyway let me know!
0 votes
Any update on this?  Is it an Evo-one bug?  I re-flashed everything and still have tempurature about 30 degrees higher than it should be.
answered Feb 10, 2016 by Ruben Dominguez (380 points)
Ruben, it is firmware related. Once a solution is available, all it will take is a reflash of the evo firmware. There is no eta on when the fix will be out but we are definitly looking into it.
Awesome news. Also you should know that when I press the panic button on the drone it won't set off the oem horn alarm but it does make the lights flash. Maybe a FW issue as well?