Questions & Answers

Can I change the buttons used to remote start

+3 votes
I know I can change the button sequence to remote start my 2015 Town & Country from "LOCK - LOCK - LOCK" to "LOCK - UNLOCK - LOCK" but I want to use the factory remote start button on my fobik.  I'd love to use the "LOCK - REMOTE START" sequence like it was factory.  


asked May 2, 2016 in Chrysler by Justin Ernest (210 points)

1 Answer

+1 vote
Best answer
Unfortunately this is not possible.

It is either lock 3x or lock-unlock-lock as you mentioned.
answered May 2, 2016 by derek g (357,630 points)
selected May 2, 2016 by Robert T
And there's no way to hack the programming?
If you are able to get these codes with a network analyzer then it would be possible, you would have to sift through probably hundreds of thousands of codes and find the exact ones for that process.... otherwise it is not possible.
Would you find that code on the flash link update module? Or where do would you find the code to make remote start sequence LOCK-REMOTE START
