Questions & Answers

Need compatibility chart for Fortin Remote Starters vs. Antenna vs. Remotes, please

0 votes
Need compatibility chart for Fortin Remote Starters vs. Antenna vs. Remotes, please
asked Sep 12, 2016 in FAQ by Mukesh Patel3 (160 points)

1 Answer

+1 vote
evo-one will work with any Fortin FM or FMH antenna as well as any Fortin Remote that works with those antennas.

Here is a list of compatible RF kits to use with the evo-all or evo-one.
answered Sep 12, 2016 by derek g (357,630 points)
Hey Derek,

Thanks for your quick response but can you send be a chart of Fortin Remote Starters like FSAXXX, E400, EVOONE etc. and the compatible Fortin Remotes and Fortin Antennas. Please
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