Questions & Answers

Evo All alarm settings

0 votes
I have a 2015 Jeep Jk with no power locks, so I have no factory alarm. I am using an RF kit to remote start. I see the evo-all has an alarm function, is there a way to have the horn sound if a door is opened? If so what settings or accessories do I need? Thank you

It appears the alarm function is not working at all
closed with the note: Connection issue.
asked Jul 19, 2018 in Jeep by jeff sawicki (240 points)
closed Jul 26, 2018 by derek g

1 Answer

0 votes
You turn on option G and wire the green wire on the 20 pin connector into the vehicles horn. The output is negative so be sure the horns vehicle wire is negative.
answered Jul 20, 2018 by derek g (358,130 points)
Awesome, thanks. After I enable that and wire it up will I need to arm the alarm every time or will simply hitting the lock button arm it?
Hitting the lock button will arm the system.
Sweet, thanks for your help.
I tried your suggestion but unfortunately it did not work. The horn honks when i hit lock but nothing happens when i open the door.


All it did was turn the car off when the door was opened.
Did you wait at least 15 seconds before opening the door, after you locked it?

Did you connect the horn output from the evo to the vehicle? If yes, how.
Yes, I armed it and tried the next morning and still nothing.

I spliced the green wire from the white 20 pin into the horn wire underneath the steering column.