Questions & Answers

Evo-all inoperative

0 votes
Just purchased the evo-all. Following the programmings instruction, all the lights just flashes the blue light will not light only on its own to proceed to the next step of programming. Do I have a bad unit?
asked Dec 5, 2021 in Audi by Ray Justo (160 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
What is the S/N number on the back of the module? Sounds like your module may not have been flashed, the S/N will allow me to check if it has or not.
answered Dec 6, 2021 by derek g (357,580 points)
Thank you Derek for the response. The serial number is 001A07 296680.
Your module has not been flashed and is currently empty.


You must flash and configure the module prior to attempting in vehicle programming.
Sorry but how do I go about or what do I need to do to flash it?
Had to researched. Need to make addtional purchase of Flash-Link 4 to flash module. All their product is never a plug and play without additonal item to purchase.