Questions & Answers

2 way lcd remote

0 votes
Does anyone know of any 2 way remotes that have a lcd display that works with the evo-all?  I looked at that compatible rf kit page but it doesn't have pics.  Thanks
asked Sep 3, 2016 in FAQ by Tywan James (360 points)

2 Answers

+1 vote
Viper 9756V RF kit + XL202
answered Sep 6, 2016 by JEREMY JOHNSON (1,820 points)
0 votes
You can use any firstech rf kits (compustar) but you will need the ft-d100 in order to make them work and also the flash link updater to enabled the correct rf kit protocol.

Also you could use any compatible remotes that work with the XL-202, again you will need the flash link updater to enabled the correct protocol for that xl-202.
answered Sep 6, 2016 by derek g (358,800 points)
Will either have any 2-way features that work?  I have the viper smartstart installed now and none of the 2-way features work, such as the cars status or if the command was received.  The smartstart app sometimes crashes or takes forever to load or send the command, that's why I want to try a traditional remote.

Or do you know of any remote that I can use in conjuction with the smartstart?   Thanks
Yes 2 way communcation will work. as long as they are installed and programmed properly.

The 2 way functions on a smart start are only compatible with a native DEI product.
Thanks.  I just finished editing my question after you repied so Ill just ask again.  Is there a 2-way remote that I can use in conjuction with the smartstart?
unfortunatly not, its one or the other.
Derek is right. You need to be plugged into a compatible DEI unit to get all the status messages. (If supported by the vehicle/install)

However, it should still respond that a command is received. Just power up your smart start on the bench. You should still get the checkmark for a funtion (like lock) on the app. The smart start doenst actually know if the doors are locked or unlocked. It only knows it sent a command to the next module in line.

What is your vehicle? If you are in stand-alone mode (which it sounds like) most of those intalls you can enable 3-lock-start and use the OEM remote when close to the vehicle.

The Viper RF kit will confirm start/stop/lock/unlock.

But if you want all the features of smartstart, then its a different (DEI) unit.........

Their DBALL2 will only accept 1 input. (Smart Start OR remotes)

Their 4X10 will accept smart start AND remotes. (You would probably buy a 4710v which is the remotes and 4X10 in the same package, which costs less than 4x10 and RF kit separately)
2012 Infiniti G37