Questions & Answers

2020 Chevy Equinox will run and drive without key after remote start

0 votes
I just installed the EVO-All in a 2020 Chevy Equinox.  Everything seemed to go fine.  When I remote start it you can get in the car and press the break put it in gear and drive.  When you get in and press the break the dash notification for auto headlights flashes saying auto lights off then auto lights on but the care does not shut off.  You can put the car in gear and leave.
asked Nov 22, 2020 in Chevrolet by John McCall (130 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
What is the S/N to the module?
answered Nov 23, 2020 by derek g (347,230 points)
The S/N is 001a07 176506
I believe we just spoke. Its normal operation. Unlock is the take over.
Yes, we're as all aet.

Thank you