Questions & Answers

Is safety override switch mandatory if truck has factory hood pin switch?

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Hi sorry for asking again, my question was is safety override switch mandatory if truck has factory hood pin switch? If it is can i get ground for it from the black wire off of the data plug wire? Also why doesn't the evo all say what hardware version it is on it and doesn't have a barcode? Installing on a 2017 ford f150 key start with keyless entry using thar fort3
posté Avr 23, 2019 dans la catégorie Ford par julio pelayo (1,650 points)

1 Réponse

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Meilleure réponse
If the vehicle as on OEM hood pin and the evo detects it through can-bus the manual hood pin switch is not needed.
répondu Avr 23, 2019 par derek g (357,930 points)
élue Avr 23, 2019 par julio pelayo
My question was about the safety override switch not the pin switch and if i can use the ground for it from the black wire off of the data plug wire
my mistake, yes any ground will work.
Do i have to install the switch or can i use without? I don't want to use the 20 pin wire harness just to use one wire.
From a saftey stand point, it is always a good idea to have some way of dis abling the system for when someone works on the car or borrows the vehicle etc.
Thank you for your help derek

yes anytime. 
