Questions & Answers

How to enable heat on remote start on 19 Explorer

0 votes
Only "heat" is from the defrost and floor panels. Any way to change this so the last setting is used when remote start is triggered?
posté Oct 30, 2021 dans la catégorie Ford par Mister Bear (130 points)

2 Réponses

+2 votes
I think on the cluster you can change from remote start to last settings.
répondu Oct 31, 2021 par Haidar Jabbar (22,390 points)
Regrettably, no
0 votes
If the option isnt in the cluster then the other way is to go to the dealer and ask them to turn that feature on. They can either turn on the cluster features, or just set the BCM to last setting under remote start features.
répondu Nov 1, 2021 par derek g (336,040 points)
I just installed an EVO ALL in my 2016 FPIU. I found the same problem, that (despite was I was told when I bought the system) that the HVAC would be at "last setting" when using the remote start.'

It's cold right now in PA. Despite where I leave the HVAC settings, when using the remote start...the heater is always on. When I turn the key on and step on the brake pedal....last settings come on.

Reading on-line, it seems that the EVO ALL merely turns on or off the factory remote start. Further, this is defaulted to "automatic", where it will set the car interior to 70 degrees.

"Last setting" is an option in the factory remote start settings, which I am told a dealer can add to vehicles not equipped from the factory. Mine was not. I will check with my dealer next time I am there.

I have no way to check this to see if the A/C would come on in a warmer climate. If it works in thie automatic mode, I'm good with.

I'll update this thread once my seller clarifies...
Well, my seller cannot clarify. I got some song and dance about him being a "wiring" guy and that he doesn't know how the car works. Of course, via email...he told me it works with "last settings". FYI..this is Lessco Electronics.

I was at the dealership last week and was told that the sysmtem should indeed default to "Automatic". Depending on the outside temperatire...the car will work to get the interior to 70 degrees. I do know that mine turns on the rear defroster if it's cold enough.