Questions & Answers

Coolstart ground out while running wire.

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Key override all. 2006 ford f150 with coolstart gs5 r4. looking at this guide  ground while running from rs4 g5 goes to PATs ground for a key override all. do I splice into this wire for my coolstart all ground when running wire?Do I need to connect any of the three wire red connector on the coolstart?

 Do I need to use the rearm or Disarm wires?

If I do need to use the ground out while running do I need a diode?
posté Fev 5, 2015 dans la catégorie Ford par Jeff Davis (180 points)
modifié Fev 5, 2015 par Jeff Davis

1 Réponse

0 votes

The ground-out of the remote starter does not connect to the vehicle, it connects to the ground-while-running on the Key-Override-All (dark blue wire). This is what turns on the Key-Override-All.


You only need arm-disarm if the vehicle has a factory alarm system (has nothing to do with the transponder).


If you need help on the physical installation of the Crimestopper remote starter, please try other forums such as or contact Crimestopper.

répondu Fev 5, 2015 par Robert T (304,010 points)