Questions & Answers

2015 Lexus NX300h Remote starter star onl once

0 votes
I install Evo one on 2015 Lexus NX300H I first i try the firmware 79.27 and it had mutiple bug

Witch is DRL doesn work , memory chair doesnt work, blind spot monitor , ect

With firmware 79.25 it only start once and then doesnt work for starting the car everything else work fine .

Any idea problem
posté Aout 5, 2015 dans la catégorie Lexus par Thuy Du Dao (620 points)

2 Réponses

0 votes
You need firmware 79,27 which is the fix for the no 2nd start issue in 79.25.


As for your "bugs" when is this presenting itself? After shutdown? Or when you start the vehicle again after shut down? We would need a better description on when exactly these issues are happening.

Thank you,
répondu Aout 5, 2015 par J M (64,060 points)
79.27 or 79.28 At all time for the bug and for the 79.25 firmware still doesn't work after bypass reset it only start once it will only work if I unplug and repkug then it will work one more time

If the vehicle is not remote started, the doors closed and locked, and you are outside the vehicle; what happens with the memory settings when you get in the vehicle? This test should be done with and without the EVO connected.


As for the firmware, you would absolutely need 79.27 and higher. 79.25 will not work on the 300h because as you have noticed, it only remote starts once (this was fixed in firmware 79.27).


As a little tip from what I've seen in some Nissan (i know your's is a lexus) vehicles not keeping the preset memory settings; remote start the vehicle and adjust the seats while the vehicle is remote started. This may just fix the memory loss.

0 votes
Use firmware 79.28.
répondu Aout 10, 2015 par Robert T (299,650 points)
I've try 79.28 bypass firmware still only start once

I've try 79.30 bypass firmware still only start once

Here the new service  no 002b03 048515

So, was issue solved by fortin? I have a 2016 Lexus NX300h, US Model, and want to have Fortin Evo All installed. Will it work on my car?

Thank you!