Questions & Answers

Carlink BT

0 votes
I have a EVO-CHRT6 in my 2015 Ram 1500 works great. I have recently added the new carlink BT, which does work. The problem that I am having is it seems that both pieces are going to sleep since this install. Before I was using the Fortin 2way led remote with no issuses so I figured I would ask here before I call audiovox and they call fortin. Hopefully someone has a idea.
posté Sept 26, 2016 dans la catégorie Ram par Jason Corr (160 points)

1 Réponse

+1 vote
We have not tested the car link BT with Fortin products...YET.

So as to why it's going to sleep? not sure at this time.
répondu Sept 26, 2016 par derek g (357,930 points)