Questions & Answers

2010 ford focus runs for only 1 minute

0 votes
installed remote start like instructed. programmed but not the system only runs for about one minute then the unit shut off.
posté Juin 22, 2017 dans la catégorie Ford par Clifford Petroski (180 points)

2 Réponses

0 votes
When the vehicle shuts down does it try to restart the car again on its own?

Also when it shuts down does it flash the lights (if they were connected) giving you an error code? example lights flash 3 times = No tach....
répondu Juin 22, 2017 par derek g (336,040 points)
0 votes
no it does not try to restart. no it does not flash a code.
répondu Juin 22, 2017 par Clifford Petroski (180 points)
Please list all the connections you made in the vehicle...
the connection I made was the t harness and the can high and can low.
Can you pleas try first updating the module to the newest firmware and re programming it in the vehicle?

You will need the flash link updater2 to update the module.