Questions & Answers

Telematics module with Compustar remote

0 votes
Is there any telematics module that I can use on an EVO-ONE that has a Compustar remote?


EDIT:  The Compustar remote is connected to the smaller 4-pin blue plug, where most of the telematics modules also connect.
posté Dec 27, 2019 dans la catégorie RF-Kits par Jeffrey Ingber (750 points)
modifié Dec 27, 2019 par Jeffrey Ingber

1 Réponse

0 votes
None at this time.
répondu Dec 27, 2019 par derek g (357,530 points)
Is there any other remote package that I can use with a telematics module?

I'm not married to the Compustar stuff, it's just what I had when I installed the EVO-ONE.