Questions & Answers

2020 Durango A/C automatically comes on

0 votes
Installed the EVO-ALL today and the remote start is working (Now that I hit LOCK 3 times instead of the suggested LOCK/UNLOCK/LOCK sequence). My problem is it automatically defaults to A/C (or LO) on my automatic climate control. That doesn't help when it is 20 degrees out here. My temp setting when I leave the vehicle is 74 degrees. I do not have heated seats. Any suggestions?
asked Dec 3, 2020 in Dodge by Darrin Allard (180 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
Turn off option A4 to disable the automatic climate control.
answered Dec 3, 2020 by Robert T (301,940 points)
That is what I just did and it worked. Thanks!