Questions & Answers

Evo chrt4 lights keep flashing. 2013 Jeep grand Cherokee

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Hello I am trying to install my fortín Evo Chrt4 i am running into the issue in step 1 and 2 when I plug in the power while holding the button the the Evo the lights won’t stop flashing (red yellow blue) I read a little on the FAQ page and seems like I may need to flash but I read a colleagues reply on another post that  said if I provide a S/N number you would be able to tell if the module has been flashed or not.

S/N: 001A07 560440

Looking forward to hearing from you

Mac Mehaidli
asked Dec 24, 2023 in Jeep by Mac (130 points)

1 Answer

0 votes

This happens when the module is not flashed.


You must flash and configure the evo-all prior to in vehicle programming. This is done using the flash link updater.

Best regards.
answered Dec 27, 2023 by derek g (358,230 points)