Questions & Answers

Wire conection Kia Sorento 2013 PTS smart key Evo All Stand alone conection

+2 votes
Hi I have few more questions before i proceed with instalation

1. Will accesory work in this connection configuration after i start the engine? If no, what I have to do in order to make acces. work?

2. Where should I conect Yellow/ Black wire A13 (-) External Input ?

3. Where should I connect Purple A2 wire (-) unlock ?

4. Where should I connect Purple/White A3 wire (-) lock?

5. I understood that  smart key will not work during RS but can I  use the metal  key to enter  the  car and driving it after that?

thank you
closed with the note: Stand alone questions
asked Nov 13, 2013 in Kia by Paul Smerica (480 points)
closed Nov 19, 2013 by Robert T

1 Answer

+1 vote
Best answer

1. Will accesory work in this connection configuration after i start the engine? If no, what I have to do in order to make acces. work?

Yes. The vehicle is started like if a human were to start it. It will push on the brake, then push on the push-to-start. Thus, everything comes on.

2. Where should I conect Yellow/ Black wire A13 (-) External Input ?

3. Where should I connect Purple A2 wire (-) unlock ?

4. Where should I connect Purple/White A3 wire (-) lock?

You do not have to connect those anywhere.

5. I understood that  smart key will not work during RS but can I  use the metal  key to enter  the  car and driving it after that?

Yes, you can still enter the vehicle this way.

answered Nov 13, 2013 by Robert T (304,010 points)
selected Nov 19, 2013 by Robert T