Questions & Answers

2010 GS350 instructions show a 2013 model in the pictures - are they the same?

+2 votes
I selected the "Lexus GS 350 - Push-to-Start (2009-2012) option and got the diagrams and pictures, but all the pictures seem to be showing a 2013 model vehicle, which has a different radio. Is the wiring the same for what I will be accessing, or is this a problem that needs to be fixed?
asked Jul 22, 2013 in Lexus by rjk (220 points)
edited Jul 22, 2013 by Robert T

1 Answer

+1 vote
Best answer

I have updated the wiring (not the pictures) to reflect what you need for the install using either EVO-ALL or KEY-OVERRIDE-ALL. For some reason the pictures/wiring of the necessary wiring for a remote starter install were not transfered to this new site. It's getting looked over as we speak.


If you take a look at either of these install guides, you will find the wiring with pictures of what you need. 

EVO-ALL Install Guide

Key-Override-All Install Guide


Edit: Edited your title as it said GS250 and not GS350. 

answered Jul 22, 2013 by Robert T (303,700 points)
selected Jun 3, 2014 by Robert T
Thank you - I would have posted sooner, but I didn't get an update by email. It seems that my access has expired - will the PDFs that you linked to have the same info that I could print off the site? (I have an EVO-ALL if that makes a difference)
can you let me know when the updated pictures are available?
The EVO-ALL guide linked has all the necessary info you would need for connections to the remote starter and to the EVO-ALL.

The vehicle has been updated recently with some more info. Contact for another key card.