Questions & Answers

EVO-FORT1 D-connector wiring description

0 votes
Could you please provide description for the following D-connector (red) wiring coming from THAR-FORD1 harness?

D1 Yellow/Green

D2 Yellow/Blue

D3 Yellow/Red

D4 White/Green

D5 White/Blue

D6 White/Red
asked Jul 15, 2015 in Ford by Dinesh Koya (780 points)

1 Answer

+1 vote
Best answer

Those are the outputs of 2 intergrated relays. They are used for different purposes depending on which vehicle the EVO is being installed in.


Relay 1:

  • White/Green - NC1
  • White/Blue - NO1
  • White/Red - Comm1

Relay 2

  • Yellow/Green -  NC2
  • Yellow/Blue - NO2
  • Yellow/Red - Comm2


If you want too know what those outputs/inputs do for your specific vehicle, just look at the installation guide that does not use a T-harness : STAND ALONE EVO-ALL & Ford Focus (2012-2015) - Revision 20150427


answered Jul 15, 2015 by Robert T (304,010 points)
selected Jul 21, 2015 by Dinesh Koya
Thank you!

I started to figure out the connections between the Ignition Switch connector and the D-connector of the T-Harness.

When I make continuity test with a multimeter, the test fails for the following

Ignition Switch                                      D-connector

Pin 1 White/Organge (Ignition)  --->  D3 Yellow Red + D5 White/Blue

Pin 6 Purple (Accessory)  -----> D1  Yellow/Green


Is this normal behavior or my T-Harness is faulty?
There's a diode in the circuit (in the t-harness). So depending on how you place your probes for the continuity test, the test would fail or pass.