Questions & Answers

Options menu grey out

0 votes
I was having trouble programming my EVO-ALL, I figured it out but now I am unable to change the options. The options menu is there but all greyed out.


-Thanks, John
closed with the note: Email :
asked Nov 14, 2018 in Chevrolet by John Steel (160 points)
closed Nov 20, 2018 by Robert T

1 Answer

0 votes
I believed you called and someone reset the module for you?
answered Nov 14, 2018 by Robert T (304,010 points)
The problem still exists. He said to wait a few minuits but nothing was reset. Options stil greyed out.
the module is reset already.

What's the message in the flash link say when you try to flash the firmware?
"The current device cannot be flashed anymore." I do not need to flash, just set run time from 7min to 15min but the options menu is grey and cannot be changed.
Dimitry, we have reset your unit on our end already.

Please send an email to and give an explanation as to why it is flashed in the US and Russia simultaniously.
My name is not "Dimity"? it is John and the unit is in the USA only. And menu options are still grey. I just want to change the run time from 7min to 15min please. Thank you