Questions & Answers

This probably hasn't been tested but if I were to try at how could I get a compustar T12 to work with a Fortin Evo all?

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I've seen some post about the t11 but which set-up guide would most correlate with this key? I have an EVO all installed properly and everything works good right currently but I would really like to connect my compustar to it. Thanks!
asked Jun 7, 2019 in Hyundai by John Froedge (210 points)

1 Answer

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From what I have seen it won't work. These are the new series remotes with the encoder built into the antenna. (meaning you no longer need the FT-D100. I have seen guys try but enevr seen any be succesfuly. 


You could use this as a loose guide:


But ZERO gurnatee that it will work. 

answered Jun 7, 2019 by derek g (358,030 points)
Thanks for the response! I've seen many reports that the t11 is programmable with the EVO one. Does the t11 require that module or is it also built in. This guy says he's using the same antenna. Thank you so much for the reply I might end up just buying a different remote but I really like the compustar remote :D
You would have to ask him as the T11 is unverified by fortin so I do not know what he used to get it working.